“Being productive is understanding the difference between being effective and being busy. So, today what do you need to accomplish? I want to invite you to create a list. Not a list of 20 things you need to accomplish because you’re not going to accomplish them. The fire drill will happen, you’ll get a phone call, you’ll get a text, and it’ll totally throw your entire day out of whack. So, what would it be like to create a list of three to five high-value things that you need to do as you begin to go through the day? Check those off and guess what! You’ll probably surprise yourself that you’ll get through all five. When you do, then start a new list, but make the list the night before for what you’re going to do the next day. That’s how you take control of your day instead of letting others take control of the day for you. So, being productive is how you ensure that you’re doing what you need to be done in order to get the results you want to have.” 



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